Admin validation syntax - one big confusion
Version from the Symfony screencast
Version from the Symfony cheat sheet reference for the generator
Here's the complete PDF sheet - http://www.symfony-project.com/uploads/assets/sfAdminGeneratorRefCard.pdf
Confusing version from the Symfony Book
Refer to Listing 14-36 for a detail of the special validator syntax for generated forms.
Listing 14-36 - Validator File Syntax for Administration-Generated Forms
## Replace square brackets by curly brackets in the fields list fields: article{title}: required: msg: You must provide a title ## For validator parameters, use the original field name between quotes sfCompareValidator: check: "user[newpassword]" compare_error: The password confirmation does not match the password.
from the Chapter 14 of the Symfony Book
One small difference is also for the fillin activation.
Somewhere it says to use activate: true, somewhere it says enabled: true
From my findings any of these two works.
My examples
methods: post: - "sklad{vyrobek_id}" - "sklad{sn}" - "sklad{created_at}" names: sklad{vyrobek_id}: required: yes required_msg: Typ výrobku musí být zadán. sklad{sn}: required: yes required_msg: SN musí být zadáno. validators: sfRegexValidator sklad{created_at}: required: yes required_msg: Datum přijetí musí být zadáno. fillin: activate: true sfRegexValidator: class: sfRegexValidator param: match: yes match_error: Špatně zadaný tvar SN. pattern: /(([A-Za-z0-9\s]+)\.+([A-Za-z0-9\s]+))|([A-Za-z0-9\s,]+)/si